
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Underground Abductor

BIBLIOGRAPHY Hale, Nathan. (2015). The underground abductor . Illus. by Nathan Hale. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN 9781419715365 PLOT SUMMARY In this graphic novel, Nathan Hale writes the story about Harriet Tubman. Harriet was an abolitionist that knew first-hand of how slavery was evil and inhumane it was. She was known as the “underground abductor” and led hundreds of slaves to freedom via a secret underground railroad.  CRITICAL ANALYSIS Hale writes the true story of Harriet Tubman and her bravery in rescuing hundreds of slaves. Harriet was one of the few fearless people to go against the rules and was determined to free her fellow slaves. Hale writes this suspenseful story with factual information in such a way that you can easily understand and you will not want to put this book down. Also included is a bibliography list. I am not one for reading about history nor for reading a graphic novel, but this graphic novel was excellent and will not disappoint! This graphic novel was easy t


BIBLIOGRAPHY Law, I. (2008). Savvy . Dial Books For Young Readers ; Boston, Mass. ISBN 9780803733060 PLOT SUMMARY In this fictional novel, Ingrid Law writes the story about Mibs Beaumont and how she is excited to turn thirteen to find out what her savvy will be. In a family where her one brother can create hurricanes and the other creates electricity, Mibs is excited to see what she is destined for. Instead she is trying to cope with the fact that her father has been involved in a serious accident. CRITICAL ANALYSIS Ingrid Law writes this magical story of Mibs Beaumont and her destined “savvy”. Everyone in her family has their own “savvy” or magical power and Mibs has to wait for her thirteenth birthday to see what her power will be. Suddenly, her father is involved in a serious accident and Mibs only wants to help her father. This lovely, magical story is filled with adventure. I recommend this novel for 10 year olds or older. REVIEW EXCERPT(S) “Law’s storytelling is rollicking, her l