

Law, I. (2008). Savvy. Dial Books For Young Readers ; Boston, Mass. ISBN 9780803733060


In this fictional novel, Ingrid Law writes the story about Mibs Beaumont and how she is excited to turn

thirteen to find out what her savvy will be. In a family where her one brother can create hurricanes and

the other creates electricity, Mibs is excited to see what she is destined for. Instead she is trying to cope

with the fact that her father has been involved in a serious accident.


Ingrid Law writes this magical story of Mibs Beaumont and her destined “savvy”. Everyone in her

family has their own “savvy” or magical power and Mibs has to wait for her thirteenth birthday to see

what her power will be. Suddenly, her father is involved in a serious accident and Mibs only wants to

help her father. This lovely, magical story is filled with adventure. I recommend this novel for 10 year

olds or older.


“Law’s storytelling is rollicking, her language imaginative, and her entire cast of whacky, yet

believable characters delightful. Readers will want more from Law; her first book is both wholly

engaging and lots of fun.”

– Booklist

“With its delightful premise and lively adventure, this book will please a wide variety of audiences,

not just fantasy fans. Definitely an author to watch.” 

– Elizabeth Bird, New York Public Library


“Law's savvy? She's a natural storyteller who's created a vibrant and cinematic novel that readers

are going to love.” 

– Publishers Weekly, starred review



  • Newbery Honor Book



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