I'm the Big One Now!



Singer, M. (2019). I’m the big one now! : poems about growing up. Illus. by Jana Christy. Honesdale,         Pennsylvania: Wordsong. ISBN 9781629791692


In this poetry book, Marilyn Singer writes poems based on important children’s milestones in life. Some of the poems are about: first time riding a bike, snapping your fingers, counting money, first visit to the ocean, tying my shoes, and holding my new brother, to name a few.


Marilyn Singer writes poems about important children’s milestones in their life. In this lovely book,

Singer writes about growing up and how exciting it was to ride your bike for the first time, cooking for

mom for the first time, first big-kid party, and holding her little brother for the first time, to name a few.

This lovely book describes all the accomplishments that a child goes through in their life.

Jana Christy’s illustrations are beautifully made with characters with different ethnicities. These poems

give you a sense of warmth and happiness. While reading these poems, you can’t help but feel the

excitement and get flashbacks of your own accomplishments.

I would recommend this story to preschool aged children to help them understand when growing up,

sometimes changes do happen and it does not have to be scary or a bad thing, instead it is exciting and

makes you look forward to future accomplishments.


“A simple yet delightful collection of poems from Singer.” 

– School Library Journal

"Acclaimed poet Singer celebrates the milestones in a young child's life… through a series of poems

that, like children, are unique, at times unpredictable, and always lively. Christy's digital illustrations

in soft pastel hues reflect children and families of all races and cultures. Children are captured…full

of energy and confidence. There's something for every child here.” 

– Booklist

“Award-winning poet Singer explores the stumbles and triumphs that go hand in hand as preschoolers

become big kids…(T)hese 19 poems encapsulate the myriad experiences of a diverse cast of

grade-schoolers…Singer's observations span a variety of poetic forms and rhyming schemes…(and)

Christy's watercolor images capture gap-toothed grins and snaggle-brow frowns with equal aplomb.” 

– Kirkus Reviews


“A good read for kiddos reaching some of the milestones mentioned in the poems, especially for one

expecting a new baby in the family. I read a copy provided by the publisher for review purposes.”

Based on a review by Scostner1.


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