Barb's Comic Relief


Created by: Barbara Lopez via Pixton

Pixton App was so easy to use and was even easy for a beginner like me. I really enjoyed using this app very much! The only downfall to Pixton is that I was not able to download or even share link to my project. I had no other choice but to use my Snipping Tool. If I was a librarian, I would definitely pay the annual fee of $49. This app is so clever and is such a helpful tool!


I was really disappointed with Fotojet. I had finished creating my comic strip with Fotojet and when it was time for me to download or share my link to the project. My project was no where to be found under my account, because the only way I could have saved my project is if I pay the monthly fee. I tried the free trial, but it was requiring a credit card. Overall, I found the app not easy to use at all. 

Created by Barbara Lopez via Make Beliefs Comix

I found Make Beliefs Comix very difficult to use. I was lost in all the instructions and it was too cluttered to make sense of the tools provided. There was many tools to choose from, but it had to much explanations everywhere. 


  1. There's some good intel here. It will help people choose in future which webapps to use.

  2. Hi Barbara,
    I enjoyed your comics! Also, your post if full of useful information on the apps. Thanks for sharing!


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